I can't believe it's been so long since I posted an entry here! My how time flies when things are going well for a person. If only my health were cooperating as good as my InterStim has been!
I wanted to stop by and say hello to those who read this blog and to let them know that having the InterStim HAS changed my life. From the moment the temporary was set in place I noticed immediate relief from the relentless urgency that was like a monkey on my back that would NEVER go away! My body functions much more normally and I am greatful.
I will be seeing my Dr. in December for a cysto and a biopsy, as I have blisters inside the bladder related to my IC, but thankfully under no serious pain yet from them.
I am greatful. If it weren't for the fact that I keep my controller in a little purse and around my neck ANY time I leave home, I would pretty much forget that I even had the InterStim. It does it's job quietly and consistently morning, noon, and night, so that I can get on with the business of the things I need to do each day.
Yes, I am indeed greatful and thankful for my InterStim!