Welcome to 2011 everyone! I cannot believe that in just about a month (Feb 10th) it will be a full year since I have had my second stage of the InterStim implanted. It has been a different year for me. That's not to say that I still don't go to the bathroom anymore. But rather, it is to say, that I go to the bathroom like everybody else now....and not every 45 minutes (or less).
It is a huge step to consider surgery, but I did my homework on this, watched alot of youtubes and read alot of websites. When my Dr. suggested the InterStim, I was aware of the pros and cons (if there could be any), and I said, "lets do this". I am very glad that I did.
If you are having alot of problems with freqency, why not do your own research? I personally chose not to fill my head with the complainers and negativity out there. I researched the success stories, and I wanted to be one of 'them'...and that is exactly what I became.
I hardly even think about having the InterStim inside anymore....and can tell you for a fact that the procedure to put it in was NOT bad at all.
Having the InterStim has now given me the courage to change my life in other ways. In one week I will be joining weight watchers and I will log my journey with that on this blog as well, as it is a part of who I am and what I can become, thanks to having control of my bladder again.
I am greatful....and you can be as well, if you are out there and suffering like I was. Don't be married to the toilet. Be married to your LIFE!!!