So hard to believe that I've been so caught up with facebook, that I haven't been on here in so long. Alot has changed for me since my last posting. My health it declining and I am getting ready to retire from work. I can't stand for eight hours and physically I am feeling horrible.
Since my Dr. moved to Utah I have not been happy with the Urologist that I have been seeing. Two of the wires in my Interstim have moved outward slightly, but just enough that I am having problems. When I told the Urologist that I was not able to hold my bladder at night, he looks at me and thumps his finger against his head as if to tell me, "Lady it's all in your head." Well I left that visit with him humilated and insulted and still with my problem. I am getting ready to find a new urologist because as far as I am concerned this guy is an uncompassionate QUACK! Yes, I said it and I meant it!
Before the InterStim I had TERRIBLE irriatable bowel on top of horrid bladder urgency. Now the irritable bowel has been back with a vengence, and I am NOT able to make it to the bathroom on time at night with my bladder and even at times (far too many) during the day. I don't know if it's because of the wires moving or if it's another issue going on. All I know is that tomorrow I'm calling that bonehead and requesting an appointment with him and the medtronic rep. And there will be no thumping on his head this time, because I won't tolerate being insulted like that again. I will keep you posted.