One woman's journey from bed wetting as a child, to Interstitial Cystitis and to the InterStim. You will find a frank and honest discussion here about the bladder from a patient's view. This blog is not intended to be used for medical advice. You need to get that from your Doctor. This is only my story.
Sunday, January 31, 2010


Saturday, January 30, 2010
A little note about the dreaded Enemas!

The First InterStim Procedure
I was really proud that 'my' Dr. actually did the procedure under the guidance of the Medtronic Representative.
I heard someone announce the time that the procedure actually began and then again when it ended. It was about an hour and a half to two hours total.
The procedure involved quite a few needle pokes. No worse than a mild bee stings. Sometimes I didn't even feel the needle. Most of these needles were for pain killing and numbing the area where the Dr. was working. Every time a needle was getting ready to be used, my anesthesiologst would say, " a bee sing" or something simelar. We talked back and forth at times during the procedure.
My Dr. inserted several leads and tested them. You have to be awake so you can tell them if you feel it. If working correctly you will feel them in your vaginal area, in your butt cheeks, your foot, and also in the rectum or beside it. They ask you to tell them if you feel it, and so I did each time. There's no need to be ashamed to say you feel it in the rectum, because that's where they want you to feel it. They can also see these parts of your body quiver. All of this is done to make sure it's done right.
You don't have to worry about getting shocked or anything like that. To me the sensation is like having a fluttering butterfly inside, NOT at all uncomfortable or painful or worrisome. When they were testing the vaginal area, I laughed and said, "Does this thing give orgasms?" I am not without inserting alittle humor every now and then.
My Dr did something with the wires called 'tunneling' and I definately felt that, but it was literally no more than two seconds, and he gave me more injections of pain killer. So I have no complaints about that.
At the end of the procedure I received four stitches, and felt a couple of those, but otherwise, I can tell you that beyond the needle pokes that were not bad, the procedure is infact pretty much painless.
The outside stimulator is attached and you are almost finished. They clean you off really well with another cold solution that made me giggle because they were tickling me. They were chuckling along with me. But the Dr. explained they had to clean me off so I wouldn't begin to itch.
They had to pull the tape off that was holding my rear end open and I chuckled that that felt like 'duct tape' ripping and we were laughing again about it. The bandages were all put in place and they had me literally roll off the operating table to the rolling bed. I was pleasently surprised to see that I could lay on my back!
I was not in any pain at all. It was GREAT!
Rolling into the Operating Room
They wheeled me next to the operating table that was piled high with at least six pillows. Three to elevate my butt and three for my chest. There was a purple foam head rest for me as I had to face down for the procedure.
I was basically naked as they unhooked the gown from the back and helped me climb onto the table. Wasn't so sure how I'd do with that narrow table and all of those pillows but it worked really well.
There were several people in the operating room besides my two Doctors, including at least one man, I'm not sure what his job was, but oh well. I'm certain I'm not the first naked woman he or anyone else has seen. Everything is very professional, and I was truly excited to be on my way to having a better life.
I had a female anesthesiologist. She was really nice. She slipped an oxygen mask on me and the tube fit in an insert to the foam head rest. She asked me if I would like to listen to some music and I said, sure, anything relaxing. She put on Motzart and some of the other great composers, as she had an Ipod with a docking station near my head and the music was amazing and relaxing.
I could hear the Drs. and everyone getting me prepped. I didn't realize until it was over that they put a blue sheet up between my head and the procedure, similar to when a woman gets a c section.
The preparation for the procedure involves cleaning the area with a very cold solution that made me giggle it was so cold! It also includes taping the butt cheeks open with a strong tape (I'll explain why later) and covering all of the parts of me that did not require to be exposed. Too late, it had already been exposed to everyone...lol, but it's so professional that it didn't matter to me and I KNEW beyond all doubt that I was well on my way to a much better life.
I pretty much relaxed as everyone did the prep and enjoyed the music. My anesthesiologist was awesome. She told me everything I needed to know, just before it was done and God Bless her!
My experience was very positive!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Woke up, showered really well, took off my jewelry, dried my hair, put on my jammies and went to the Surgery Center. Might as well go comfortable and come home, hopefully that same way.
Arrived at the Surgery Center to alot of pre-op paperwork and a pleasent receptionist. They don't want you to wear make up, lotions, or perfume, so I felt very comfortable sitting there with the paperwork and the woman working had no make up on either. And, not to mention, they had my favorite News Channel on the the tv in the waiting area, so that was cool.
Was quickly called back and the pre-op, or intake nurse asked me a bunch of more questions and gave me a gown, slipper socks, and a head bonnet to put on. She took me to my bed where an IV was started.
I have to give this Surgery Center HUGE kudos for the way they did the IV. First they injected a light pain killer and then the IV. We all know that starting an IV can hurt, but they went the extra mile and it didn't.
I saw the Medtronic Rep come in and look around. I said, "I know you're here for me!" We had a great conversation and he showed me what the gadget looked like that I would be adjusting for the next couple of weeks and explained about the procedure.
My Dr. was late and while waiting for him, I had to pee SIX times. Talk about an over active bladder! The nurse was really nice though, escorting me each time, with an IV bag AND an antibiotic bag going in my veins.
Pre-op was very comfortable and I was totally at ease. Even watched some tv before going in for the procedure.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The gift of a few words

Monday, January 18, 2010
Hoping for my miracle!
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010
Today I have to vent
I want people to realize that those of us with Interstitial Cystitis and other Bladder related diseases suffer terribly. Please be kind to them. They truly need it.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Never Give Up
The Way Out

There was alot of turmoil in the house, more so than usual after my sister left home. She was described by both my mother and step dad as a runaway. The work load on all of us around the farm only got worse, as the Judge decided to send my step dad home on probation instead of sending him to prision. After all, there were five more children (left there to abuse, in my opinion) who needed to be fed, a 110 acre farm that needed to be worked, and a job in the auto plant that could not be lost. Child molestation was quick to take a back burner back then. He was sent home on probation and we were sent back to the fields to be his slaves.
It was a month later almost to the day that my sister left, that I also left...never to look back. I was only fourteen years old.