A few years ago I was at The Orleans Hotel for some concerts with my girlfriends. We ran into these cute guys, whom were there for a convention. They graciously allowed each of us to take our photos with them. As you can see by the expression on my face I was full of joy that night and not a care in the world. I wasn't sick at the time so it was easy to be happy, let go and have fun. I remember the joy of that evening ever so vividly. Well, it's been a long journey, lots of tears and misery, but today I can say 'that' kind of joy is BACK.
People don't often talk about bladder issues, but I will. I will talk about any issue that effects me or speaks to my heart.
When a person begins to pee between 30 and 50 times each and every day in and day out, it wears that person down. It not only effects the person physically, but begins to wear the spirit down as well. It's not always easy to talk about the horrendous urgency I was going through with people I know here. They don't always relate to the silent suffering of a person like me, and I believe that's because they are busy with their own lives.
Part of this InterStim treatment, prior to having the devise put inside me, is to track how often and how much I am voiding. I didn't do it the first day because I devoted that day to relaxing and getting used to the new way my body was feeling. But over the last 24 hours I infact kept track.
Instead of voiding 30-50 times in 24 hours with an urge so relentless that often I wouldn't even make it to the toilet, I have only gone 8 times. EIGHT TIMES! AND NO ACCIDENTS! Well back in the normal range again. For that, you betcha I feel JOY today!
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