Beauty Among the Thorns
This is a photo that I took last week out in the beautiful Nevada desert near Las Vegas. There are flowers of every shape and kind and form in the desert right now. A beautiful Springtime this year for sure. What I like about this simple photograph is this...there is beauty among the thorns. That's kind of like our lives if you think about it. I began my journey to InterStim because my life was one big thorn. The torture that comes from going to the bathroom so much and all of the time is something that I don't think a person with a normally functioning bladder can relate to. It is complete torture. It tortures you in your sleep and it tortures you during the day when you are trying to function and do your job or run your errands. You just can't live normally when your bladder controls your life. Since having my InterStim I have discovered a normal life again. The improvement to my life has been profound and taken some time to fully realize is real. The awareness that I am not married to the porcelain throne anymore is profound. My life was a thorn but now it has found it's beauty!
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