As I sit here this morning it is the dawn of a brand new day and I am 19.4 pounds lighter in just five weeks. I began the Weight Watcher's program and I am proof positive that it works! I am NOT going hungry. I am enjoying foods...and counting points is so much easier than fretting over calories!
With my mobility issues it is difficult to exercise, so I don't fret over that and am losing weight every week.
I can't help but reflect back on my life and what a journey these 57 years have been. As a child I was repeatedly beaten, thrown down the stairs, forced to sleep in a cow barn near manure, and more, at the hands of an abusive step father, because I was a bed wetter. Instead of seeking medical help for me, he beat me repeatedly each and every morning, often rubbing my face in the urine on the bed. As I grew up and left home at the age of 14 I always knew that I had a somewhat weak bladder, always seemingly having to go more than my friends had to. Now into my adulthood I have developed the bladder disease, Interstitial Cystitis with blisters in the bladder. As well, the urgency and frequency that I had to go, most often every 15 minutes with little to no relief from the urge to go all day long and all night. I knew that I couldn't live much longer like this in such an intollerable condition. Life revolved completely around my bladder, where the bathrooms were, if I went anywhere at all. Often I would have to wear a pad if I went anywhere because I just couldn't hold my bladder.
It has been alittle more than a year now since I have had my InterStim. It has completely changed my life. Just five short weeks ago I began the weight watchers program and am already down 19.4 pounds. I could have never gone to the meetings withough fretting about needing to go to the bathroom. Now I can go to the weekly meeting and come home and no worries about accidents or running to the toilet the minute I get home.
When you have a bladder problem your life literally revolves around your bladder. But it doesn't have to. Talk to your Dr. about your bladder and research the InterStim. I am no Doctor and I would never recommend anything medically to anyone. I can only say that for me it has changed my life and my life no longer revolves around my bladder.
Perhaps in a year, once I have my weight down....I'll take a drive up to Utah...stop by my Drs office.....and let him see the difference he has made in my life. He has given me LIFE again...and it's a gift that I am greatful for each and every day!
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