Just came home from the hospital and having a Muga Scan to my heart. The testing actually from start to finish was about an hour. I went in and they did a small i.v. and extracted about an inch of blood in a small tube. The radioactive material would be put in that tube of blood and it takes about 20 minutes for the process. They ony use a few drops of that material. I sat in a waiting area watching a movie while waiting for the procedure itself.
I lay down on a very tiny table that was scooped in like an eaves trough that catches the rain. Unlike the photo I am sharing, my machine had TWO of those scanners. They put them on me just like this image in the shape of a V shaped roof, very close to my chest with only 2" separating the machines at the top. A camera was above me, I presume to monitor the patient and a small room to the side where people are talking and watching the scanning process. They inject the small amount of blood back into you and begin the test. All you do is lay there for about ten minutes, and then they move the large machines, one to my side and the other flat over the top of me for a few more minutes. I happened to mention to the attendant that I was seeing a hematologist for an internal bleed and when the muga scan was done, he moved the machine down over my abdomin and scanned it as well for a bleed. When the scan was done he was telling me that like me, his wife was having terrible problems with anemia. They 'thought' she was bleeding internally but discovered that she was drinking alot of tea and tea will interfear with the body's ablity to keep iron, and then make the person anemic. I am always drinking tea but that just came to a screeching STOP!
Anyway, the muga scan was painless and no big deal. I just pray my results will be good....that's where the worry is.
I turned my InterStim off during the process, even though there was nothing that would damage it during the testing.
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