Monday, February 1, 2010

How am I coping with the Test Stimulator?

The answer to this is, I am doing'very well'. The Medtronics Rep gave me a list of Do's and Don'ts and I'll share them with you all as soon as I can. But for now I thought I would write about the Test Stimulator and how I am coping with it. I already sleep using a cpap machin and oxygen concentrator, so adding this test stimulater was pretty easy. I clip it to the front of my pants or pjs during the day and when I am sleeping. There is a knob on top that regulates the current, which I keep on number 1. It goes up to number 10 but I find that anything above the number one is too strong for me, and it's working great at that level. I have to keep a log of how much and when I void, so I clip the Stimulator to the front of my shirt and put a hand over it ALWAYS if I am bending over. I don't think it would ever fall off, but I am not taking any chances.
Also, VERY IMPORTANT, when you go through a door or near something that the wire could catch on, I keep my arm over the wire. I did slightly catch it on the bathroom door knob the first night and that made me realize that I need to be very careful, so I just cover it with my arm when anything is nearby.
Sleeping is no problem. It stays in place. When you sleep and need to change position, do not rub your back along your bed. Instead, lift your body with your feet to change position. You can sleep in virtually any position, including on your back. Just use caution, but don't be afraid. It's not that hard to use or have on.

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