I am now at 13 days post-op from my stage 2 InterStim procedure. After being pretty much home bound for a month we decided to venture out and go to a movie. My son wanted to see Shutter Island so that's what we went to see. I wasn't sure how comfortable I would be to sit through an entire movie but no guts, no glory as they say. Well, we got our popcorn, pretzels and large diet cokes (something I should never drink) and found our seats. The movie started and after about ten minutes there was a problem with the projector. After waiting a half an hour we were all moved into another theater and the movie was started all over again. My son and I continued to stuff our faces with all of our junk food and eventually did get to enjoy the movie. I will say though, that the next time "I" am picking the flick, because this is truly a movie that messes with the mind, and Lord knows mine doesn't need to be messed with! I did become uncomfortable for about the last half hour of the movie and had to keep changing positions, but I made it through. The BEST thing about the movie was when it was over and I didn't have to make a mad dash for the bathroom. Infact I came all the way home with no problem before I used the facilities. I will say though that I had a difficult night last night. To be frank and honest, I've noticed this on only two nights since the Stage 2 procedure. "If" my intestines are full, or should I say, I haven't had a good bowel movement it seems to effect the way my InterStim works, or at least in my mind it seems to, and I have to pee alittle more at night. But once I empty the bowel the following day it is working really well again. This is just something that I have personally noticed and may not happen for anyone else. I did drink a large soda and that can over work my kidneys and I know better, but sometimes you just have to be bad. Life isn't going to always be peaches and cream. Body functions aren't always going to be perfect, but I am to blame for that. Having the InterStim means getting to know an entirely new body in many ways and adjusting to how it will work best. And, what can I say....I LOVE IT!!!!
WOW! That is my dream right there!! To be able to go to the movies without bathroom breaks, or to be able to take my kids to the park without having to worry and wonder which parks have bathrooms!! I hope I find the same peace!