Two people walk side by side on a quiet beach. Sharing similar chronic health problems they begin to share with each other about how they are feeling. One person seems to be worsening in mind and spirit and in physical condition, while the other, although still very ill, seems happy and upbeat.
When I went to my Urologist today for a test, I was talking with the nurse about how I am doing so good with my InterStim, yet someone else yesterday decided to try and tear me down because of it. This nurse was very nice to me and said, "You know, some people are just bitter people." I thought about it and decided that she was right. I am an InterStim success story. I should not be sad about that fact. If anything I am trying to share my joy with those who come here to read and to let them know how much further a person can go with a sweet attitude instead of a bitter one. I'm not well. As I type this I am so physically exausted that I'd love to go to sleep, but it's only 4:30 p.m. I slept really well, but I have a feeling that my vitamin D is very low again...so I am tired. It's okay. I will still do all I can to be positive and giving and kind. I will never walk away bitter or let myself get so sad that I want to give up. No matter what my pain.....I walk through it with everything in check....and not an ounce of bitter in me!
You inspire me to look at the sweet side of life, not only when dealing with chronic pain, medical help who have no idea how to help us, and with life in general. Sure, my chronic pain is with me 24/7, but there is life there, blessings to focus on and enjoy. I choose to enjoy 80% of the time, because realistically 20% of the time I fall into anxiety, worry, stress, depression. I know that, and I have to be honest and know that I'm working very hard on changing the ratio. Sometimes I hurt so bad I can't do anything else but fall apart because sometimes it feels so hopeless. I'm happy the stim is working for you my dearest friend. And I'm happy you are here for us in a very real way. You tell about your experiences with great insight and Positive reflection. You are a blessing and I hope someday to be well enough to give you a VERY BIG hug! Love you much my sister!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jacklyn. You are special