Today I had a four month follow up check up with my Urologist for my InterStim. His office is on the far side of Las Vegas, and it's about a 40 minute dive by freeway from where I live. As I was driving and listening to music in my truck, I was also thinking alot. I realized how my life had changed from just four short months ago. Back then I was getting up every 45 minutes all night long to go to the bathroom, often times not even making it there in time. I described this relentless urge to my Dr. today that it must be like what a drug addict feels....it is an urge that just takes over your entire life and you can't get any peace from it. I was also lucky enough to meet the new Medtronic Rep for the Las Vegas area, which was really an awesome coincidence! I talked to her alittle and told her that I truly was greatful that my Dr. took a leap of faith and did this procedure for me. It's embarrassing to tell your Dr. how much you are suffering, and I guess I had put that conversation off for so long, that when I finally brought it up, I told him I couldn't take it anymore. I hate to think of others who might be too embarrassed to talk about their excessive urgency problems, and who just suffer with it. I often talk about the difference the InterStim has made in my life and I am amazed at the amount of people who say they are having the same urgency problem or know of someone who is that I used to have. I think to myself, it's so easy to talk to a Dr. about the problem, and then I remember that I, myself, was a bit hesitant. I am doing so well now that I don't ever want to forget what life was like before my InterStim and I never want to take it for granted that my life is so much better now than it has been in years. There IS help availible out there for people who suffer from relentless visits to the bathroom day and night. I found it through the InterStim.....and I am doing GREAT!
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