Lets face it. No one wants to have a surgical procedure. It's difficult enough to know that something is wrong with us and then to add the stress of knowing you will be going through an operation can be stressful, no matter what it is for. You get to the operating room and the atmosphere is cold, sterile, and strange. There are instruments laying out on a table, machines around us and bright spotlights above. People are scurrying around in hospital garb and masks on their faces so that you don't even know who is who. I just want to assure you that each and every person in that room at that time has only one thing in mind and that is 'you'. Every effort will be made to assure your comfort and needs are met. I know that for those of you who are facing an InterStim procedure or other procedure, the thought of going through it can be scarey. Let me assure you that the most important thing that you can do for yourself is to find thoughts that are positive to you and dwell on them. While I was having Stage 1 of the InterStim, the nurse had music playing for me. I was thinking about sitting in a concert hall or even at the beach and listening to the music. Although I was paying attention to the procedure I wasn't dwelling on 'it'. I let my mind go to places that I enjoy....and it made all of the difference in the world. I am so greatful that I have the InterStim and for each nurse and assistant that helped make this possible.
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