Have you ever found yourself blaming other people for the circumstances in your life? It might not be their fault at all, yet you still blame them. Well, at my recent visit to the Urologist for a check up on my InterStim I couldn't help but BLAME HIM for my circumstances. When he came into the room and asked how I was doing, I told him,"I'm feeling GREAT and it's ALL YOUR FAULT!"
At present I have my InterStim on program 2 and it is working amazingly. I am getting more and more quality sleep now and feeling better during the day and less tired. I don't have to run to the bathroom every five minutes or fret if I am out that I can't make it to the nearest restroom.
I have to say that it is quite an adjustment to having the InterStim. Your body is almost trained to run to the bathroom every five minutes morning noon and night. But now, it can be three or maybe even four hours passing during the day and I realize, "I haven't gone to the bathroom in awhile." I can shop again, travel across town, and even go back to work this week and know that I don't have that demon of relentless urge on my back.
Yes, I AM feeling better and it IS all my Drs. fault, and I could never thank him enough for what he has done for me. I am a new person...and even losing alittle weight.
I am greatful that he took the leap of faith and I was his first InterStim patient and I will be eternally greatful for my Medtronic Representative. Two of the BEST people on earth!
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