One Month Stage 2 Post Op
Today is an interesting day for me. I realized that in just two short weeks I will be going back to work and to the land of the living. At present I have been taking things pretty easy, and not doing to much. I've used this time to heal, to read and to think about my life. The InterStim has been a blessing to me because it has prevented me from losing bladder control and it is helping me get better sleep at night. I am still having a minor complication with numbness in my left foot but I will discuss that with my Dr....and it's not all of the time. Today is a cool day in Las Vegas. The wind is blowing and the sky is an amazing blue with a few puffy clouds here and there. It is a perfect day for a hike to the desert which is something that I truly enjoy. Perhaps in a few short weeks I can go exploring my beautiful desert again without having the worries of an over active bladder interrupting my life. I have several health problems, but I plan to tackle them one by one and with an attitude of graditude for each and every Dr. and medical staff that helps me along the way. Life is a journey and working on one's health even more of a journey. I will be going back to work soon. I will be back among coworkers, grumpy customers (and some really nice ones too), and feel alive again.
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