Recently had a cystoscopy as pictured in the image here. How my Dr. does it is like the photo shows. There is a long steel rod with a camera on it that is gently inserted into the bladder. I am awake for the procedure. It's alittle uncomfortable, but not painful. Fluid is added to open the bladder up so that the Dr. can see the condition of the inside of the bladder. It showed my Interstitial Cystitis and a cluster of blisters, which I knew that I had. The procedure takes no more than a few minutes, and the Dr will discuss your condition with you. Mine was relatively unchanged, so I didn't have a biopsy this time. Usually I will have this procedure twice a year. After the procedure you should be taking an antibiotic for a few days. I took Levaquin for three days and am doing fine. You may have some slight discomfort for a day after the test and pass a slight bit of blood, but after a day you should be fine. Don't be afraid of getting this done. Having your Dr. see inside the bladder is the best way to assess your condition....and you want the best for yourself don't you? I do.
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