Today was my six month check up with my urologist. Had to have a cystoscopy and everything seems to be stable in my bladder so I don't have to go back for six months. Sadly, though, my Dr. lowered a bombshell on me. He is relocating his practice out of state to Utah. There is another uro in the same office that will take over my care, but it just won't be the same. I have been holding back a cry-fest, but I have a feeling that before the night is over the tears will come. This Dr. gave me back my life...and I say that as realistically as I possibly can. I have gone from having a bladder that was complete torture for me, to having one because of the InterStim that is far more stable. I am sleeping better and functioning better because of this. If you have read this blog then you know that I was my Doctor's first InterStim patient. He did a perfect job and there are no words that will ever, EVER be uttered that I can utter that will ever repay him for what he did for me. It's really REALLY hard to see him leave Las Vegas, but I know that he will be well received in Provo and it will be a great place for him to reside and raise his family. I will miss him. Right now I'd like to cry my eyes out, and in actuality there are some tears flowing......but I will send him a card from time to time and I have a funny feeling that he will never forget me, just as I will never forget him. God Bless him for all he did to help me have a quality of life that allows me not to be married to the bathroom every fifteen minutes. This is a difficult and sad day for me.
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