Out there in the world tonite there are many women (and men) who will go to bed and suffer through another night because of issues of Interstitial Cystitis and frequency. No one wants to talk about bladder issues, but to me, it's like talking about any other topic. I hate that people are suffering with these problems when I know that at least part of the problem can be fixed through proper medical care, medication, and even the InterStim. I do not take it for granted that I can now drive across town without having to stop somewhere to empty my bladder. I don't take it for granted that I now enjoy the luxury of 'sleep'...but I am also aware that everyone's journey will be different. Our health issues can be unique to ourselves alone. In my case, it started as a young child when I couldn't sleep through the night without wetting the bed. I was beaten severely because of it. Had my face rubbed in urine as a child and forced to sleep in a barn with the manure and the cows because I couldn't hold my bladder. Now at nearly the age of 57 I have reached a place in my life where life free of bladder worries is such a blessing........and I wish that same blessing this holiday season to all that suffer. It's all I want....to see people well from this relentless frequency......find a Dr. that will help you. Find out if you have IC and do all that you can to help yourself get well. My Dr. gave me a great gift...and one I could never repay....a gift of freedom and to be able to feel human again....perhaps for the very first time in all of my nearly 57 years. Thank you, Doc. You ARE the BEST!
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