Tuesday, May 10, 2011

About having a muga scan

Just came home from the hospital and having a Muga Scan to my heart. The testing actually from start to finish was about an hour. I went in and they did a small i.v. and extracted about an inch of blood in a small tube. The radioactive material would be put in that tube of blood and it takes about 20 minutes for the process. They ony use a few drops of that material. I sat in a waiting area watching a movie while waiting for the procedure itself.

I lay down on a very tiny table that was scooped in like an eaves trough that catches the rain. Unlike the photo I am sharing, my machine had TWO of those scanners. They put them on me just like this image in the shape of a V shaped roof, very close to my chest with only 2" separating the machines at the top. A camera was above me, I presume to monitor the patient and a small room to the side where people are talking and watching the scanning process. They inject the small amount of blood back into you and begin the test. All you do is lay there for about ten minutes, and then they move the large machines, one to my side and the other flat over the top of me for a few more minutes. I happened to mention to the attendant that I was seeing a hematologist for an internal bleed and when the muga scan was done, he moved the machine down over my abdomin and scanned it as well for a bleed. When the scan was done he was telling me that like me, his wife was having terrible problems with anemia. They 'thought' she was bleeding internally but discovered that she was drinking alot of tea and tea will interfear with the body's ablity to keep iron, and then make the person anemic. I am always drinking tea but that just came to a screeching STOP!

Anyway, the muga scan was painless and no big deal. I just pray my results will be good....that's where the worry is.

I turned my InterStim off during the process, even though there was nothing that would damage it during the testing.

Muga Scan

In a couple of hours I have to go to the hospital for a Muga Scan of my heart. I don't know why the cardiologist ordered this test....but I will have it done, and find out the results in a week. I'm not too worried about the test itself, so much as the anxiety over the results. I have inflamation throughout my body.....I don't know if it's effecting my heart....I can't let myself worry too much because life is in God's Hands.....and every breath we take is His.

Monday, April 11, 2011

How will you spend your Spring?

How will you spend your Spring? Will you spend it lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself....or will you find a grassy meadow....or a....beautiful desert hideaway to soak up some sun? No one likes to be in pain. No one likes to suffer with bladder issues. NO ONE LIKES Interstitial Cystitis!!!! But don't let it control your life! Get out there and move alittle....or....at the very least.....lay down in the sunshine and soak as much in as you can! Somehow, looking up at the universe always seems to make things right!

When the going gets tough....

When the going gets tough as it sometimes can.....just remember that under the fire of pain in our lives.....there still lies a rose. No matter what your adversity, your pain, your sorrow, your misery.....you are still a BEAUTIFUL, God-created creature and there is no one like you in this universe!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Facing the Enemy....My Family

I am not smiling as I write these words today. No, not smiling at all. Recently I reconnected with a sister on facebook and she shared this photo of me. At first glance one might think that this is a lovely family from the 1950's. But look again. Two beautiful little girls...in the arms of monsters. These little girls are my older sister and me. Anna was my mother and Henry was my stepfather. It looks strange to see him holding me in his arms, considering all he did to me as I grew up to the age of 14 when I left home for good. I look at my sister there and cannot forget about how he used her for his sexual pass time whenever he wanted. And to see my mother sitting there with a smile on her face, considering how she turned away and did nothing during all of the abuse. If anything, her turning away was every bit as bad or worse than what he did.
I slept in urine. I had my face rubbed in urine. I was repeatedly thrown down the stairs. I was forced to sleep in the barn with the mice, rats, and cow and pig manure. I was beaten so badly that a tractor was tipped over on both him and me and then he beat me more. I shoveled snow at midnight until I was frost bitten. I was bloodied, battered, and bruised on a daily basis. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take the pain or take the lack of love and protection from my mother. She didn't care. She didn't even care about her grandchildren. She was unfit and so was he.
They are both dead now. They can't hurt anyone anymore. As bad as it was, I had to forgive them. They have to answer for all that they did. I only answer for myself.
He beat me because I couldn't hold my bladder. It wasn't my fault...and today I know that. Too bad I had to go through all he put me through to get to this point in my life....no child should have to live with enemies like this....but I did.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life does NOT have to revolve around your bladder!

As I sit here this morning it is the dawn of a brand new day and I am 19.4 pounds lighter in just five weeks. I began the Weight Watcher's program and I am proof positive that it works! I am NOT going hungry. I am enjoying foods...and counting points is so much easier than fretting over calories!
With my mobility issues it is difficult to exercise, so I don't fret over that and am losing weight every week.
I can't help but reflect back on my life and what a journey these 57 years have been. As a child I was repeatedly beaten, thrown down the stairs, forced to sleep in a cow barn near manure, and more, at the hands of an abusive step father, because I was a bed wetter. Instead of seeking medical help for me, he beat me repeatedly each and every morning, often rubbing my face in the urine on the bed. As I grew up and left home at the age of 14 I always knew that I had a somewhat weak bladder, always seemingly having to go more than my friends had to. Now into my adulthood I have developed the bladder disease, Interstitial Cystitis with blisters in the bladder. As well, the urgency and frequency that I had to go, most often every 15 minutes with little to no relief from the urge to go all day long and all night. I knew that I couldn't live much longer like this in such an intollerable condition. Life revolved completely around my bladder, where the bathrooms were, if I went anywhere at all. Often I would have to wear a pad if I went anywhere because I just couldn't hold my bladder.
It has been alittle more than a year now since I have had my InterStim. It has completely changed my life. Just five short weeks ago I began the weight watchers program and am already down 19.4 pounds. I could have never gone to the meetings withough fretting about needing to go to the bathroom. Now I can go to the weekly meeting and come home and no worries about accidents or running to the toilet the minute I get home.
When you have a bladder problem your life literally revolves around your bladder. But it doesn't have to. Talk to your Dr. about your bladder and research the InterStim. I am no Doctor and I would never recommend anything medically to anyone. I can only say that for me it has changed my life and my life no longer revolves around my bladder.
Perhaps in a year, once I have my weight down....I'll take a drive up to Utah...stop by my Drs office.....and let him see the difference he has made in my life. He has given me LIFE again...and it's a gift that I am greatful for each and every day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


On Feb. 10th, 2011, I will celebrate one full year with my InterStim.
Thank you Dr. Crowley for changing my life! You are and shall remain the most amazing Dr. ever!

On the road to healthy living!

It has been four weeks since I visited here....four weeks of making a change in my life. I am now 17.8 pounds smaller and thankful for the Weight Watcher's program I am on. I couldn't do this without being able to drive to the meetings, wait my turn to get weighed, and then sit for the meeting and not have to fret or worry about having to go to the bathroom. When a person has an over active bladder their life revolves around knowing where and scouting out where each and every bathroom is wherever they go. I don't have to do that anymore. I go about my day and void like a normal person does. My health isn't it's best, but in the area of bladder control I couldn't be better off. Anyone with an over active bladder to the point that they are suffering, should talk to their Dr about the InterStim. It has changed my life. I HAVE a life. And, if at 57 years old I can lose this excess weight....then anything becomes possible!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Don't Need Anymore "Excuses"

No longer is there a need for excuses as to why I am so heavy or can't lose weight. Just went to my second Weight Watchers Meeting and I have lost 12.8 pounds! It is directly because of my InterStim that I am able to get out and go to a meeting like this and not have to worry that I can't hold my bladder or that I have to keep my mind constantly focused on it. I have followed the program, including enjoying Weight Watchers sweets, which are yummy, and I am losing weight. I have begun to slowly exercise for the first time in years. I am happy and greatful and humble. I am a 57 year young woman and I want to enjoy a full rich life, free of this weight and free from a marriage to the toilet. Thank you Dr. for this freedom!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A New Chapter and a New Journey

Here I am with the Actor Treat Williams whom I met at a concert here in Las Vegas. He is a huge Air Supply fan and was in the audience one night. I had the privilage of meeting him and he was really nice. But....do you see something wrong with this picture? Well, I do. It's me. There is no mistaking that I am overweight and I need to do something about it. It is very difficult to work on weight loss when so many aspects of the rest of your life are not so great. It has been nearly a year ago since I had stage two of the InterStim. Infact Feb 10th will be my one year anniversary. The procedure has changed my life and giving me the strength and courage to begin a journey to rid my body of this weight. I have many complicated chronic illnesses taking their toll on me physically...but last week I joined Weight Watchers, and I will have my first weighing this coming Tuesday evening. Another Chapter in my life and an incredible new journey. Thank you Dr. Crowley. I know you're out there reading....and it is because of you that I have the strength to make this change in my life!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year and a New Life!

Welcome to 2011 everyone! I cannot believe that in just about a month (Feb 10th) it will be a full year since I have had my second stage of the InterStim implanted. It has been a different year for me. That's not to say that I still don't go to the bathroom anymore. But rather, it is to say, that I go to the bathroom like everybody else now....and not every 45 minutes (or less).
It is a huge step to consider surgery, but I did my homework on this, watched alot of youtubes and read alot of websites. When my Dr. suggested the InterStim, I was aware of the pros and cons (if there could be any), and I said, "lets do this". I am very glad that I did.
If you are having alot of problems with freqency, why not do your own research? I personally chose not to fill my head with the complainers and negativity out there. I researched the success stories, and I wanted to be one of 'them'...and that is exactly what I became.
I hardly even think about having the InterStim inside anymore....and can tell you for a fact that the procedure to put it in was NOT bad at all.
Having the InterStim has now given me the courage to change my life in other ways. In one week I will be joining weight watchers and I will log my journey with that on this blog as well, as it is a part of who I am and what I can become, thanks to having control of my bladder again.
I am greatful....and you can be as well, if you are out there and suffering like I was. Don't be married to the toilet. Be married to your LIFE!!!