Monday, March 29, 2010

March 27, 2010 Showdown in Searchlight

Saturday was my first real outing since getting my InterStim. I was determined to travel from Las Vegas to Searchlight, Nevada for the Tea Party Express and to see Sarah Palin in person. I didn't know how I would do being post op, but I did really well. I didn't have to run excessively to the port-a-pottys, which was great. As a matter of fact, there must have been 10,000 people there and I ended up beside a woman that was considering the InterStim. How much of a coincidence could that have been? Or was it fate? Perhaps even God had His Hand in that one. I enjoyed speaking to her and even more seeing Sarah Palin and being among a sea of Patriots. I love this country so much and it was awesome to be among so many others that do too and who are not happy with the direction we are going. I saw a sea of American flags billowing in the chilly wind and ate plenty of dust as it was kicked up in that old mining field where we gathered...but I wouldn't have traded that experience for anything in the world. I could never have made the 150 mile round trip without the InterStim. Relentless bathroom visits would have completely ruined it. So I feel blessed. I am greatful for this moment in time that I will never forget. Tears swelled in my eyes more than be among so many Patriots.....this is a memory to last a lifetime. Thank you to my Medtronics Rep and thank you Dr. C.

My First Big Outing Post Surgery to the Tea Party in Searchlight!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't be afraid

Lets face it. No one wants to have a surgical procedure. It's difficult enough to know that something is wrong with us and then to add the stress of knowing you will be going through an operation can be stressful, no matter what it is for. You get to the operating room and the atmosphere is cold, sterile, and strange. There are instruments laying out on a table, machines around us and bright spotlights above. People are scurrying around in hospital garb and masks on their faces so that you don't even know who is who. I just want to assure you that each and every person in that room at that time has only one thing in mind and that is 'you'. Every effort will be made to assure your comfort and needs are met. I know that for those of you who are facing an InterStim procedure or other procedure, the thought of going through it can be scarey. Let me assure you that the most important thing that you can do for yourself is to find thoughts that are positive to you and dwell on them. While I was having Stage 1 of the InterStim, the nurse had music playing for me. I was thinking about sitting in a concert hall or even at the beach and listening to the music. Although I was paying attention to the procedure I wasn't dwelling on 'it'. I let my mind go to places that I enjoy....and it made all of the difference in the world. I am so greatful that I have the InterStim and for each nurse and assistant that helped make this possible.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"It's all YOUR fault!"

Have you ever found yourself blaming other people for the circumstances in your life? It might not be their fault at all, yet you still blame them. Well, at my recent visit to the Urologist for a check up on my InterStim I couldn't help but BLAME HIM for my circumstances. When he came into the room and asked how I was doing, I told him,"I'm feeling GREAT and it's ALL YOUR FAULT!"
At present I have my InterStim on program 2 and it is working amazingly. I am getting more and more quality sleep now and feeling better during the day and less tired. I don't have to run to the bathroom every five minutes or fret if I am out that I can't make it to the nearest restroom.
I have to say that it is quite an adjustment to having the InterStim. Your body is almost trained to run to the bathroom every five minutes morning noon and night. But now, it can be three or maybe even four hours passing during the day and I realize, "I haven't gone to the bathroom in awhile." I can shop again, travel across town, and even go back to work this week and know that I don't have that demon of relentless urge on my back.
Yes, I AM feeling better and it IS all my Drs. fault, and I could never thank him enough for what he has done for me. I am a new person...and even losing alittle weight.
I am greatful that he took the leap of faith and I was his first InterStim patient and I will be eternally greatful for my Medtronic Representative. Two of the BEST people on earth!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

One Month Stage 2 Post Op

Today is an interesting day for me. I realized that in just two short weeks I will be going back to work and to the land of the living. At present I have been taking things pretty easy, and not doing to much. I've used this time to heal, to read and to think about my life. The InterStim has been a blessing to me because it has prevented me from losing bladder control and it is helping me get better sleep at night. I am still having a minor complication with numbness in my left foot but I will discuss that with my Dr....and it's not all of the time. Today is a cool day in Las Vegas. The wind is blowing and the sky is an amazing blue with a few puffy clouds here and there. It is a perfect day for a hike to the desert which is something that I truly enjoy. Perhaps in a few short weeks I can go exploring my beautiful desert again without having the worries of an over active bladder interrupting my life. I have several health problems, but I plan to tackle them one by one and with an attitude of graditude for each and every Dr. and medical staff that helps me along the way. Life is a journey and working on one's health even more of a journey. I will be going back to work soon. I will be back among coworkers, grumpy customers (and some really nice ones too), and feel alive again.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Before and After

Isn't it amazing how those 'little things' mean so much in our lives? Quiet moments alone or with a friend. A kind word given or received. A gentle rain shower that makes you want to run outside and dance in it. The freedom from relentless trips to the bathroom morning, noon, and night.

On a morning like today I would have gotten up, showered, and peed at least four or five times before leaving the house an hour later. I would have gone shopping at Walmart for an hour and had to pee at least once while there. I would have then gone grocery shopping and had to use their restroom at least once or twice before hitting the checkout. That was BEFORE. But today, AFTER having the InterStim, I got up, peed once, left for Walmart and grocery shopping and didn't have to make several bathroom trips while out. Indeed, I didn't have to go again until I came home, after taking the time to spend $400.00. I like the AFTER so much better...and I will FOREVER be greatful to those who created the InterStim for patients like me who can now enjoy a more normal life!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Beautiful Thought

"Maybe if I share the path I walk then a little more of your pain will vanish. I want you to heal, whoever you are. I don't care what pain you've brought the world, or it's brought you. I just want yours to subside. No matter what, your path is yours. Don't follow misery or worry. Devote every moment of your life to improving your dreams. Love your world. Cherish the good you do."

Creating our own Destiny

It was a good two years ago, that I seemed to wake up one day and discovered that my physical health was virtually going to pot. With numerous serious health problems piling up one after the other, and Dr. visit after Dr. visit...well it would be enough to bring anybody down. At times I was down alittle, but I decided NOT to stay there.

At my recent visit to the Urologist, my Medtronic Rep said something to me that I didn't fully appreciate until I went home and thought about it. He called me the "poster child for the InterStim."

I thought about what he said and looked to the deeper meaning of it. For me, I could let myself go and become sad that all of these health problems are hitting me. Geeze, my kids are grown and isn't it finally time for me to have some fun? Well, I realized that since having this InterStim and the fact that it is working well for me, I have an obligation to any other person that asks me to let them know how much this has changed my life for the better. I had done my homework and knew that I wanted this procedure even before the Dr suggested it. I watched all of the youtube videos many times over and searched the web. I decided that I would NOT focus on any of the negatives or risks as there are with any surgery, and focus on the positives...the most important being that I would have freedom from relentless trips to the bathroom all day and night. By staying postive I truly believe that I have created a destiny that I like and that I love, despite any present or future health troubles that may come along. So if that makes me a poster child for the InterStim or any other disease that I have, then I will gladly take that responsibility because I owe it to others to let them know that there IS hope and that life CAN be good again.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Viewing the Half Full Glass

Thursday evening I thought I was having what felt like a setback with my InterStim. The urgency was back all night long and drove me crazy. As Friday morning came, I was still having some problems, so I called my Urologist and was instructed to turn the InterStim off for twelve hours and then turn it back on. I went to the world wide web and looked up problems with InterStim, thinking that maybe I would find someone with a simelar problem. I found a message board alright. And, after six or seven messages, I had to quit reading it. Now I am sure all of those complaining people on that message board felt that their problems were valid and that they each had a reason to gripe, but I did NOT want to put all of that negativity into my being. I just couldn't read it. For you see, I don't look to the negative. If there is a problem or a situation, I firmly believe that there is a way to fix it. After having my InterStim off for the twelve hours and then turning it back on, it has worked beautifully again. It would appear that my problem was because of a poor dietary choice and that caused the urgency problem for a few hours afterward. We all have the choice in how we will face the situations in our life. I could have ranted and raved and thrown my own personal hissy, but that is just not my nature. My glass is always half full no matter what. None of us are promised a life of smooth sailing or bliss. We will all face problems or situations and even setbacks. It's up to us how we face each of these as they happen to us. Today I will lift my half full glass and give myself a personal toast to my continued well being because that is exactly what having the InterStim has been for me.