Tuesday, April 27, 2010

His name is "Hute"

He was just a small town boy who shouldn't have had a care in the world except to play and grow up happy. Sadly, for Hute, it wasn't so. Born to parents who divorced when he was very young, Hute would quickly see both his Mother and Father remarry others who didn't like him very much. Hute was bounced back and forth between parents and was subjected to years of verbal and mental abuse from both step parents. The problems became so great when Hute visited his Father that it was not uncommon for his Dad to take out his frustrations on him and beat him. His step mother was so horrid that Hute referred to her as the 'Dragon Lady'....but she was far from anything that resembled a real lady. After all, how could a 'real' lady harm a child in any way?

Hute lived a childhood of complete distress and sadness. As if the travelling from one home to the other and the abuse he was subjected to wasn't enough, Hute was sexually abused from the age of eight to fourteen by an older cousin while being looked after by him. Hute should have been able to confide in a parent what was happening to him by the babysitting cousin, but he couldn't. Things got to the point where Hute suffered a broken knee cap and ruptured colon at the hands of this sexual predator. But no one cared about Hute. No one was there for him. Hute was a child growing up alone and abused in the world. As if all of this were not enough for one young man to deal with, Hute was also wrestling with who he was as a person. It was clear in his mind that as he came of age he didn't have the same feelings for women that he felt for men. Hute was gay.

At the age of eighteen Hute left home and for the first time felt the freedom to be himself. This sence of freedom would quickly come with the reality that freedom isn't cheap and surviving costs money. Hute ended up moving back home to his Mothers. Upon discovering that Hute announced that he was openly gay, his Step Dad kicked him out of the house. He moved to another state where he met a gay man, whom he tought was very nice. They lived together and began to build a life until Hute began to notice things about his lover. This man was abusive.

One winter afternoon while hanging Christmas lights on the roof of their house, Hute's lover became angry and pushed Hute off of the roof. Hute hit his shoulders and head on the ground which caused a compression to his spine and the beginning of nerve damage. Hute woke up the next day and could not move his legs and was taken to the hospital. The Doctors would discover that Hute had no reflexes and his eyes would not dialate. Hute was not able to urinate on his own anymore and had to be cathed. After a few months of not being able to urinate, Hute was taught how to cath himself. This was devastating for such a young man in the prime of his life and with so much to offer the world, despite all of the troubles he endured to that point.

Hute was diagnosed with three buldged discs and a herniated disc. The damage to his back also pinched and damaged the nerves which made it impossible for him to urninate on his own anymore.

It was some time later when a nurse at his Urologists office suggested a new procedure for Hute. This procedure is called the InterStim. By this time, Hute had a new boyfriend that cared for him very much and was willing to stand by him as he underwent this new procedure. After the stage one of the InterStim, Hute was able to go to the bathroom for the first time in two years. The emotions and tears flew! Hute's companion stood by him every step of the way. When Hute had the stage two InterStim procedure done, his companion took great care of him, checking the incision and making sure all was working right with the control device.

Hute has begun a new and happier life now. He is able to enjoy living inside of a body that is learning to function right again for the first time since his injury. The change in his life is profound.

Hute gave me permission to share his story on this blog, but if I did I had to make it very clear that he did not want me or any other person to feel sorry for him. Not for his horrid childhood. Not for the abusive lover. Not for the feelings he went through because he was unwanted and unloved growing up. He clearly wants no pity for all that he has been through. Hute is goal driven. He is caring. He is a very giving person. He said that he would not change a thing that he has been through in his past because it all brought him to where he is today and to whom he has become as a human being.

You might have guessed by now that "Hute" is not his real name. I wanted to give him a name befitting the bright light that he is to this world. The name "Hute" means 'star'....and I can think of nothing that shines brighter upon us all than a bright star from above. Hute is a soul who's light shines ever so brightly and can only shine even more because of the InterStim! God Bless you, Hute! God Bless the nurse that suggested the InterStim and for Medtronics and the Dr. that did the procedure. A beautiful life has now become even more bright and beautiful because of all that they did...and there are not enough words to say thank you. And, most of all, thank you, Hute, for allowing me to tell your story!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

InterStim...It's NOT just a 'girl' thing!

I recently had the privilage of meeting a wonderful young man online who has just gotten his Stage2 InterStim implanted. Yes, I said "man". I won't mention his name, (although he probably wouldn't mind) or share too much, except to say that a couple of years ago he was involved in an accident that resulted in the crushing of the nerves that effect bladder function. I can't even imagine what it must have been like for this young man to go through what he did, and then discover that he would have to cath himself. It must have seemed hopeless. Well, he now has his Stage 2 InterStim and so far so good. His bladder is functioning normally again and no more caths! This road we travel because of bladder problems is not an easy one, but I truly appreciate this young man's willingness to openly talk about what has happened to him and how he is doing...and MOST important, to let other men know that it is perfectly alright to have the InterStim procedure if that is what the Dr. recommends. No man or woman should suffer when such an amazing device is available...and I wish him a long and positive life living as normal as he possibly can again.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The ONLY drawback.

As the days and weeks slip so quickly by and I continue to do well with my InterStim, almost to the point of forgetting that it's even there, I talk to all of my friends online who are suffering with over active bladder and Interstitial Cystitis. I take into myself their pain and distress and wish so badly that they could be as free as I am since having the InterStim procedure. I sleep at least 6 to 7 hours at a time now, when I was lucky to sleep an hour before my procedure and often getting next to no sleep at all for relentless trips to the bathroom all night long. There are far too many people with bladder disease or over active bladder that do not have insurance or enough insurance to even cover expensive medicines, let alone treatment. I suffer for them. I have been blessed with the most amazing blessing I could ever dream of, the InterStim, and at the same time, feel that it is the pain of others that has become the only drawback to this procedure. I want them to have a better quality of life. I want them to experience what I am experiencing. I feel that it is my duty to do everything I can while living and breathing to encourage others who are suffering that there IS hope and light at the end of the tunnel, and that there is always a way through the darkest of situations to a better day. Indeed that is my responsibility. And, if I can ease the pain of one person who is still suffering, if only for a moment, then I have done my job.

Friday, April 9, 2010

My favorite word for the day!

FREEDOM!!! Today I hardly even gave my InterStim a thought. I felt normal. I felt great. I felt FREE!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Beauty Among the Thorns

This is a photo that I took last week out in the beautiful Nevada desert near Las Vegas. There are flowers of every shape and kind and form in the desert right now. A beautiful Springtime this year for sure. What I like about this simple photograph is this...there is beauty among the thorns. That's kind of like our lives if you think about it. I began my journey to InterStim because my life was one big thorn. The torture that comes from going to the bathroom so much and all of the time is something that I don't think a person with a normally functioning bladder can relate to. It is complete torture. It tortures you in your sleep and it tortures you during the day when you are trying to function and do your job or run your errands. You just can't live normally when your bladder controls your life. Since having my InterStim I have discovered a normal life again. The improvement to my life has been profound and taken some time to fully realize is real. The awareness that I am not married to the porcelain throne anymore is profound. My life was a thorn but now it has found it's beauty!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Entry of Spring!

I'm not quite sure why but when Easter rolls around I can't help but think of all of the joy that the beautiful Springtime brings. Long since passed are the days of Autumn when leaves brought forth their glorious colors and faded away to the cold, dark of winter. Here in Las Vegas the month of March has been a cold one. But today as the first few days of April begin, I feel the warmth of this special time of year against my skin and all is well with my soul. I have just completed two weeks of work since having my InterStim and all is going very well. I am sleeping better. No more getting up all night to rush to the rest room and many times, not even making it there in time without an accident and having to change my clothes. I don't miss those days. They were like the dark and horrible winter of my life. I had no life back then but for work and laying in bed praying to God for some sleep. Sleep that never came...that is...until I made the choice to try the InterStim. Now I thank God for this great medical technology that has helped to make me well again. Today I can enjoy Spring. I can enjoy trips to the desert to photograph the wild flowers and not be scared I can't hold my bladder. I can drive to the Lake for lunch or drive across town and not feel frantic for a bathroom. The entry of Spring is the best time of year for a new InterStim patient. I view the world as if it is brand new. I'm seeing life sprout up all around me and I am also a part of that life again. I am forever greatful!